5 Important Points Every Product Engineer Should Know About Tungsten Carbide Coating

The Tungsten Carbide coating and Composite Rods, although still little known in some country (compared to the level of use in the US and Europe), already has a good level of use in equipment parts from different branches of industry. However, the knowledge of its application is still small for engineering professionals who need to specify this material.

Below are 5 points that I consider super important to know:

1 – Layer thickness: A higher layer is not always synonymous with greater wear resistance. In many cases, thick layers are more expensive, and the likelihood of cracking problems is imminent due to the residual stress in thicker coatings. For harsh environments, layers of 0.2 to 0.3 mm are excellent.

2 – Impact resistance. Even though the tungsten carbide coating has a high hardness, it is not applicable to impact parts. This is because it is rigid and can detach from the surface when subjected to this environment.

3 – Corrosion Resistance: The tungsten carbide coating is in several alloy variations. Therefore, if the part suffers erosive and abrasive wear in corrosive environments, the alloy that best adapts to that environment must be chosen.

4 – Sharp corners: Be very careful with this point. It is not appropriate to apply coatings on surfaces with sharp edges. These corners must be broken either with a radius of 1 mm or corner breaks of 1 x 45º to avoid peeling off the coating in this region.

5 – Working temperature: The tungsten carbide coating like in Tungco for example is resistant to abrasion and erosion. But be very careful with the temperature of the work environment. This coating loses its technical characteristics when subjected to working temperatures above 450ºC.

History of Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten carbide was first produced during the 1920s by incandescent light bulb manufacturers to increase the lifespan of tungsten filament matrices. The tool industry boosted it during World War II. The aim was to produce a material with a hardness similar to the diamond but with a gain in toughness. Now that you know the history learn a little more about its curiosities and the main applications of tungsten carbide

Main Applications of Tungsten Carbide

Protection against wear from abrasion, erosion, and corrosion on pump components, valves, rolling pins, hydraulic rods, hydroelectric turbine components, tooling dies, conveyor screws, and mining industry components. The tungsten carbide coating is not recommended for surfaces that suffer an impact, such as, for example, stamping tools, forging, and crushers, among others.

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